Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Try

Around the start of the year one of my friends posted on Facebook about choosing focus words for the year. I chose Peace and Flow not knowing how much I would need them. I've never been great at dealing with changes or letting things go so I knew I needed to work on that. Between two kids and working from home life is always a little crazy but it's been extra crazy lately. It's definitely a time of change. Pat was finally able to get his own agency up and running. It's definitely good news but means more work for him to get things going. I recently learned my current job will be ending in the next few months so I'll have to find something else. And of course the kids are always learning and doing new things. As if we don't have enough going on I've also decided to make some personal changes lately and started working out again and decided to try to get a handle on the mess we call home. Some days are more stressful than others but I'm trying to slow down, focus, and enjoy every one :-)

And this is my first blog post so I have no idea what I'm doing. I'll try to make it look better soon.


  1. Yah!! :)
    I can't believe how much Corbin has grown!!! wowsa!!! you have such beautiful children!
    blog away sistah! ;)

  2. Love it!! and for tutorials on any fancy stuff just google it. thats how I figure out anything.
